Monday, February 25, 2013


     Do any of you read Not Just a Housewife? Stacy is so funny and down to earth, I always enjoy her blog. Her most recent post, also titled "Detours" (yes, I am a total copycat) is about being forced to take a highway detour due to a road closure and finding an adorable little town. She asked readers to comment on their own detours. Well, I cannot show off photographs in a comment so I thought I would write about it!

     We live in Central California....pretty much right smack in the middle of the state. So, while much of the country was being pounded by blizzards, we were enjoying sunshine and temps in the 60s. And we wanted snow too! Ya, we're weird like that. Personally, I dislike so much sunshine, I want some real weather. Hmph. The kids and I piled into the car and drove to the mountains for the afternoon. (The great thing about being in the middle of California is that we can completely change our surroundings in 2 hours. Beach? 2 hours, BAM. Snow? 2 hours, BAM. Red carpet at the Oscars? Okay, that is more like 4 hours. But, still. How cool is it that we can be to Hollywood in 4 hours?) So, back on track.....half of our drive took us through the Sierra foothills and it is so pretty. We drove over the San Joaquin River and the kids started yelling, " We have to stop? That was so cool!!!" Luckily there was a rest area right there and we were able to pull in and park. My son hijacked my camera and got some cool shots. What had them so excited? Ruins of a bridge, just left on the river bank. In researching this bridge, I found out that it is actually called Broken Bridge, in Friant, California. Broken Bridge, lol!

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

Broken Bridge in Friant, California

     Know what else is in them thar hills? GOLD. We saw several groups of people panning for gold. I wonder if we took a couple of pie pans and started panning for our own gold if we would be run out of there? Those people looked serious. There are no photos of the stink-eye gold panners. We might not have made it out alive if we'd done that......
     After this short stop (not really a detour), we found our snow just an hour later. We are definitely doing this again. Maybe with pie pans.
Your turn, what was your coolest stop or detour?


  1. How fun! I am glad you listened to your kids and stopped. What a fun memory :)

    1. Yes, I am go glad too! Now that they're teens I am so thankful that they still even want to spend time with me :-)

  2. Hey Christine! Ann Marie from Royalty Sparkles! What a fun detour! I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that "everything" is 2 hour from you. When I lived up North, "everything" was 2 hours from me! Lancaster (Amish County) 2 hours, New York (train ride) 2 hours, Atlantic City 2 hours, DC 2 hours (and 30 minutes), Baltimore (for Navy games) 2 hours!!
    Sadly, I have never been on detours on road trips. I have always been a get there as soon as possible kind of person. So is my husband. After reading yours and Stacy's detour stories, I hope to make more!

    1. Now that sounds cool...I would love to see Amish country! My boyfriend is the same as you, he puts the blinders on and just goes, I am in the process of retraining him ;-)

  3. Sorry, the above is my Blogger (same thing), I'm in the process of changing to Wordpress!!
