Wednesday, February 20, 2013

In Process - Tea Cup Pin Cushions!

What do you do when you have a bunch of vintage tea cups and no one wants to buy them? Soy candles are one thing that came to mind but I wanted something not so overdone but still just as cute. Mine aren't done yet but here are some real cuties I found on Pinterest that I am inspired by:

This one is so cute. But....cross stitching a pattern first requires a level of commitment that don't have right now, lol!

Seen on The Making Spot

Look at the little floral print on this sheet. I used this same fabric on my own teacups! Love this pattern.

Cute and regal.

Vintage Tea Cup Pincushion
Seen on

No way. This is way too cute!

Tiny World Pincushion
Seen on Etsy by Mimi Kirchner

Wow. This is one of the girliest things I have ever seen. Pretty.
Seen on BobbiJ's gallery on

These are adorable, aren't they? I hope mine turn out at least half as cute :)

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